For LowRezJam 2024!

Click the squares to cycle through your weapons. Each weapon takes up a certain amount of squares. Press the play button and fight!

A few gameplay notes:

- There are Three types of equipment: Armor (Head and Torso), Weapons, Items.

- Armor and items with attack stats add that to your weapon. Weapons apply damage. Defense and healing work similarly.

- Size is how many squares it takes up. See the first screenshot. A sword takes up 2 squares.

- Defense and healing on armor is applied at the start of a round. Defense and healing on items and weapons are applied after the attack/use, so you can stack multiple defense buffs/heals.

- If you or an enemy's attack is lower than the opponents defense, there is a 50% chance to deal 1 damage.

My previous LowRezJam entry (2021)

Music from

Made withGodot

Development log


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